Menantang Diri Sendiri: Perdana Public Speaking

There is always the first step for everything.
Termasuk dalam hal melakukan public speaking dalam bahasa Inggris.
Untuk berbicara di depan umum dalam Bahasa Indonesia juga bukanlah hal yang mudah bagi saya, namun saya bersyukur sangat terbantu dari sisi pola pikir dan teknisnya bersama coach @amazingmentor dan Komunitas Amazing Truehealth-nya.
Dengan memperhatikan bagaimana para mentor saya berbicara di depan umum, saya bisa mempelajari bagaimana gestur mereka, kata2 yang dipilih, dan segenap energi yang menyertainya.
Selanjutnya, tinggal praktik saja dengan menerapkannya dalam aktivitas sehari2 😉👍
Nah, speaking in English? Wow, ternyata ini betul2 game yang berbeda.
Saat pertemuan Agora Parents yang pertama, melihat satu per satu para orangtua menyampaikN pidatonya, saya merasa pe-de bahwa saya bisa berbicara di depan umum seperti dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tinggal ngomong aja kan? 😉
Dan saat maju ke depan dan diberi pertanyaan oleh fasilitator, tiba2 semua blank. Saya tidak bisa menyambungkan dengan mudah antara apa yang ada di kepala dengan mulut 😅
Grogi, gemetar, terbata2, betul2 pengalaman yang sangat tidak menyenangkan. Dan hal itu membawa saya pada sebuah keputusan bahwa tidak bisa tidak, saya perlu belajar 'how to be a public speaker in English'. I have to upgrade myself on it.
Bersyukur dalam beberapa minggu terakhir ini, Pramuka Penggalang Klub OASE sedang membuka sebuah unit baru untuk anak2 yang memiliki bakat dan ingin mengembangkan minat dalam dunia public speaking, yang difasilitasi oleh teman2 dari AGORA.
Apa itu AGORA? Bisa langsung dicek ke situsnya ya di
Kebetulan ada orangtua OASE dan anaknya sebagai praktisinya.
Maka hari ini, setelah sebelumnya mencoba menuliskan apa yang ingin disampaikan, membaca dan membicarakannya berulang2, saya telah berhasil mengalahkan diri untuk berani berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.
Mengapa kita perlu mempelajari dan meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris?
Melihat kondisi dunia yang semakin tak berpembatas karena perkembangan teknologi, apalagi salah satu aset yang sedang dibangun adalah bisnis yang bermitra dengan sebuah perusahaan yang memiliki kantor cabang di 28 negara, sangat memungkinkan akan ada waktu dimana saya mau tidak mau perlu berkomunikasi dan berbicara di depan banyak orang dalam bahasa Inggris.
So, thank you very much to the Agora mentors, especially Kak Iik and @trishamarakirana, and all today inspirational speakers.
Saya betul2 banyak belajar hari ini. Bahwa 'pertumbuhan itu hanya terjadi di luar zona nyaman' itu benar.
Namun apa yang terjadi setelah kita bertumbuh? Ada sebuah kebahagiaan dan kepuasan yang tak dapat dijelaskan dengan kata2. Yang jelas, aku bersyukur bisa melampaui diriku hari ini dan berada di lingkungan yang membantuku bertumbuh dengan luar biasa.
Bagi yang ingin mengintip draft pidato saya hari ini, silakan mampir ke blog saya di ya. Itu adalah panduan dan rencana pidatonya. Apa yang tersampaikan, ya... begitulah 😆😃👍
Happy sharing! 😃🙏👍


Hello, good morning everybody.

My name is Andito. I am a father of two homeschooling kids.

At last Agora meeting, I learnt something that very important.

When I saw the adults and teenagers went to front and took their speech, I told to myself, "It will be easy. Just talk, like when you use Bahasa Indonesia"

So, when Shauqi pointed at me to be the first impromptu speaker, I went to front with full of convenience.

And, I don't know why, when Karina gave me the question, wow, I really really could not connect between my brain and my mouth. I really really could not deliver what I want to speak. The words was just vanish right away.

After that, the trembles were coming. I very clearly remember that I lost my words so I use so many 'uhmm'.

So from that moment, I said to myself, "I have to learn more to speak in English in front of people. I have to learn public speaking in English. It is a really different game with speaking in Bahasa."

That's why I raised my hand when the opportunity to be one of the prepared speaker was open.

That's a little background about my appearance today. I do really excited to learn again with all of you, especially the Agora mentors.

Very big applause for Agora mentors 👏👏👏

Beside a father, I am also an urban farmer and a healthy life
style educator.

Being a farmer is one of my biggest passion.

I remember when somebody asked me when I was a little boy, "What you will become when you grow up?" I want to be a vegetable seller.

You know vegetable seller? Yes, a person that push his or her cart fulfilled with vegetables, meats  chickens, crackers, etc. That was the person I want become.

Why? Because I saw them were very being been waiting with all the mothers and housekeepers in my former home environment.

I'm happy not because being sorrounded by ladies, but because the vegetables sellers were really help them.

Helping people, be an useful person are my biggest passion. So, I do very happy for being an urban farmer.

Because what? Grow your own food is like printing your own money. Agree?

Let's say. How many times you need a doctor in your life. You wish you will never use any help from a doctor. But at least you will need one help from them like when you were born. Agree? 😆

Let's say again. How many times you will need help from a handy-manny to build or fix your house? Once a year? Twice a year? How often it will be, it is still not will be every month, am I right?

How about a farmer? Do you guys realize that we need a farmer at least two times a day?

How come? Do you guys have a breakfast before coming here? What did you have for breakfast? Bread? Fried rice? Fried banana? Or maybe just a cup of coffee just like I have this morning, because I try to maintain my body metabolism by follow the fastosis way. Fastosis means you not eat any hard meal from you wake up until lunch time.

According that I learnt, fastosis helps your body produce one of the most important enzyme in your body. It is called growth hormone or FGF-21 hormone that helps your body to regenerates new cells, burns fat, increases your immunity, etc.

Back to our breakfast. Where did the bread come? From grain. Where did the grain come? The field. Who plant and harvest grain? Farmer.

Same as rice, coffee, fruits, all of the ingredients that we eat every day, three times a day, all of them are planted by farmer.

So, we need a farmer three times a day. So, a farmer is one of the most must existence profession in this world.

Are you agree with me?

So, who want to be a farmer? 😃

Or who want to be an urban farmer? So you still can live in the city and produce crops from your own backyard.

Just call me if you need any help or advice about it.

Because what? Just like I said before, grow your own food is like printing your own money.

My name Andito. Have a full-blessed day. Thank you 🙏



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